Statutory Information
The Secretary of State for Education has, from September 2012, instructed all schools to display certain items of information on their websites. Some of this information is duplicated in other areas of this website, but in summary, the information required is shown below.
Name and Address
The Thomas Hardye School
Queens Avenue
Our most recent whole school inspection was carried out in March 2015, when Thomas Hardye School was judged to be outstanding.
An inspection of the school’s literacy and numeracy provision was undertaken in February 2009, when provision was also judged to be outstanding.
Full information regarding the curriculum on offer to students is available in the Curriculum area of this website, including a summary of courses and other information relevant to each subject area.
Further details of our Curricula can be found in the School Prospectus and the Sixth Form prospectus available on our Prospectus Page
Admission arrangements
Key Stage 4 Results 2022-23
School | Local Authority | England | |
Progress 8 | +0.27 | ||
Attainment 8 Score | 48.9 | 44.1 | 46.2 |
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSE | 49% | 40% | 45% |
EBacc average point score | 4.32 | 3.81 | 4.05 |
Entering EBacc | 57% | 35% | 39% |
Staying in education or entering employment | 96% | 94% | 94% |
Advanced level qualifications (level 3) 2022-2023
School | Local Authority | England | |
Average Result (A Level) | 38.76 (B) | 36.95 (B-) | 38.87 (B) |
% of students completing their main study programme | 96.3% | 95% | 95.1% |
Average result (broad vocational qualifications) | Merit+ 29.47 | Dist- 30.05 | Dist- 31.98 |
Students progressing to education or employment (2020 leavers) | 81.3% | 87.5% | 91.7% |
School Performance Tables
Department for Education’s (DfE) school performance tables for Thomas Hardye
This details the summary of results at Key Stage 4 (GCSE or equivalent) and Key Stage 5 (A Level or equivalent).
Letter for Parents regarding Attendance (2019)
DASP Statement on Attendance (2019)
Supplemental Funding Agreement
Remote / Online Learning
This section is for information and is updated from time to time if new information becomes available.
In the event of a full or partial closure, the school is committed to providing continuity of education to its students and will do so through a process of remote (online) learning.
All remote learning provision, including homework, will be provided via the Microsoft Teams platform.
Please click here for full guidance regarding Microsoft Teams. MS Teams will enable us to streamline all aspects of school provision through one, central online platform ensuring that expectations are clear for staff, parents and students.
We will use MS Teams to share resources and, where necessary, direct students to other relevant platforms. The school would like to thank parents and carers for the tremendous support and understanding you have shown us, and the way in which you have embraced this new way of working.
Access to all the key IT services offered by the school can be found by visiting the IT Services pages on this website. These include:
- Microsoft Teams
- Remote Desktops
- School portal
- Next Cloud
For help with using any of these services, please visit the relevant help pages linked on the services page.
Students Self Isolating
Students who are required to self-isolate will access the school curriculum via Microsoft Teams. Self –isolating students will have full access to their teachers via Teams. Teaching staff will upload assignments to ensure these students have:
- Meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects.
- Access to a well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practiced in each subject.
- Frequent and clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher in the school or through high quality curriculum resources.
- A programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school.
Partial Closure
In the event of a class/year group bubble being asked to self-isolate, THS will:
- Ensure teaching staff deliver a blend of live lessons and pre-recorded material from school for students to access remotely via Microsoft Teams
Full Closure
In the event of a full closure:
- Teachers will deliver the curriculum and lessons remotely via Microsoft Teams, using a blend of live live and pre-recorded material as appropriate.
- Assignment work will be set as per timetable and follow the same curriculum content as would be delivered in school. Assignment/Assessments will be accessible to students without the need for additional adult input. We will provide frequent, clear explanations of new content through high quality curriculum resources, and/or pre-made videos eg. MyMaths, Seneca, Bitesize and Oak Academy resources, where they align with the school curriculum.
Please click here for online learning protocols and expectations
Careers programme
Details concerning our careers programme are available on our Futures page.
Year 9 Transition Summer School
Over 3 days between Monday 23rd August and Wednesday 25th August, the EforE team ran a transition based summer school for students joining year 9 in September.
The activities consisted of the following:
- Day 1: School based orienteering, including curriculum based activities
- Day 2: Forest Schools
- Day 3: Animation, clay work and team building activities
The school accessed funding from the DFE to run this summer school with a total value of £3756.99. This consisted of:
- £2040 Staffing costs - leadership
- £737.99 - TA support
- £230 - Resources
- £388.60 - Forest Schools leadership on day 2
- £360 - School Canteen- provision of food.
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023
Covid Catch up funding 2020-21
The Thomas Hardye School will receive £108000 for the lower school and £7500 for the sixth form to support lost learning during the pandemic.
We have identified the key priority is to make the most of the time in school. To this end we have recruited a new learning mentor in the sixth form, and we are increasing our capacity for cover supervisors in the main school to ensure that students can be given subject specific support.
As we identify gaps we will put in place other catch up support including:
- Easter revision school
- After school clubs
- Increased support in E4E
- Access to a new online learning platform through Century Tech
- The National Tutoring Programme with a trial group of students
As time goes on we will be assessing these initiatives and looking for other examples of best practice that has an impact on helping students catch up.
Catch up premiumSafeguarding