School uniform develops a feeling of self-esteem among students and does much to eliminate feelings of inequality as well as projecting a positive image for the school. The principles of the school uniform are smart, professional and understated. All students (other than the Sixth Form) will wear the items of dress set out below.
The school asks for your co-operation to ensure that your child always comes to school wearing correct school uniform. If for any reason this is not possible, please write a note to your child’s tutor.
All students in the lower school have a locker for bags and coats.
Dress Common to All
- Blazer - black with the school crest blazer badge
- Shirt - white, of sufficient length to be tucked in to trousers or skirt
- Tie -the correct colour for your year group.
Ties are available to purchase from the School Office should yours be lost.
- Jumper or Cardigan - A v-neck black pullover or cardigan may be worn (under the blazer) - providing there are no logos.
- Skirt or trousers – Grey trousers or Grey pleated skirt worn to at least mid-thigh.
- Tights – Black tights, if worn. Not ripped.
- Socks - dark coloured
- Shoes - black leather/leather look/polishable shoes. Boots, suede or canvas or shoes with prominent or coloured logos are not permitted. Examples of acceptable shoes below.
Sports and PE
- Sports Top - blue and grey
- Sports Socks - black
- PE Top - white t-shirt
- Sports shorts, skirt or leggings - black only
Students may wear one pair (only) of discreet earrings in the lobe of each ear, one small bracelet and one necklace. Other body piercings and visible jewellery are not allowed for any students.
Flamboyant or extreme hair colours and hairstyles are not acceptable. Make-up or nail varnish, if worn, should be discreet. False nails are not permitted
Students may wear coats on the way to and from school and during lunchtime. Coats may not be worn between or in lessons or at break.
Non-Uniform Items
If a student arrives at school in non-uniform items, parents may be contacted and the student sent home to change. This includes:
- Denim or leather clothing
- Black trousers or skirts
- Leggings or jeans
- T-shirts with logos worn under shirts or blouses
- Training/canvas shoes and soft shoes with logos
Parents should contact the School Office if they have any questions about personal appearance, hairstyles or uniform BEFORE purchase.
formal black school shoes, they must be leather/leather-look/polishable. Trainers, boots, skate shoes, shoes designed for leisure wear, suede or canvas shoes or shoes with prominent logos are not permitted. (See photos below showing examples of acceptable/unacceptable shoes – this is not an exhaustive list)
Examples of acceptable shoes
Examples of unacceptable shoes
Uniform Donations
We are collecting donations of school uniform that are in good, clean condition. There is very high demand for this from students who are having difficulties obtaining the required items. Kindly drop any items to school reception, they will be very much appreciated. All proceeds from sales help support disadvantaged students.
Buying Pre-owned Uniform
If you would like to buy preowned uniform ready for September, you should book a slot for our preowned uniform sale, which is held in July each year.
The link to book slots is here: Uniform Sale
Prices: Blazers are £5.00 and all other items are £1.00