Exams Policies and Information
Instructions for Candidates
Requests for certificates & results from previous years
If you would like us to check if your exam certificates from previous years are held in school or would like us to search our archive for your results, please see information/complete the online form below:
Information and request for Exam Certificates/Results
Special Consideration
Should a student be ill before an examination, suffer bereavement or other trauma, be taken ill during the examination itself or otherwise disadvantaged or disturbed during an examination, then it is the student/parent/carer's responsibility to alert the school, the Examinations Office, or the examination invigilator, to that effect.
The student must support any special consideration claim with appropriate evidence within three days of the examination; for example, a letter from the student's doctor.
The Examinations Manager will then forward a completed special consideration form to the relevant awarding body within seven days of the examination.
If an unforeseen event affects the running of an exam, for example a prolonged fire alarm or unexpected interruption - this instance should be reported to the Deputy Head overseeing examinations. It is the responsibility of the Exam's Manager to apply for special consideration to the relevant exam board, in such an eventuality.
Form to request Special Consideration (Printable Version)