Curriculum Overview
The Thomas Hardye School offers a distinctive curriculum; one that allows all students to find the areas in which they can excel.
All our students can study the combination of subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate if they wish, but also have options in other areas such as design & technology and the performing arts.
Most of our students stay on into the sixth form but we also work closely with other local further education providers to ensure that our students have the skills they need to access their courses.
Year 9
When students start the school in year 9 they study a broad range of subjects. They will have subject specialist teachers and be working in dedicated rooms.
Students will study English, mathematics, science, theology, geography, history, design and technology, art, music, drama, ICT and computing. They will also study either French of Spanish, with some students having the opportunity to study both. In year 9 they will also have lessons in PE and PSHCE.
Pupils are set in mathematics, science and languages, but we have found that in other subjects they make the best progress in mixed ability classes.
The breadth of subjects offered in both academic and practical disciplines means students can build on the academic understanding acquired at middle-school, as well as make informed decisions about the option subjects to choose for Year 10.
Students choose their options at Easter of Year 9.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 our students start studying their level 2 curriculum.
All our students study English language, English literature and mathematics. They will also study biology, physics and chemistry with some students working towards a qualification worth two GCSEs, although as many as possible are working towards a full GCSE in each science.
All students study the full GCSE course in theology and ethics; we believe that, in our increasingly globalised world, it is important for our students to understand the importance of people’s faith and beliefs.
We also offer a range of option subjects:
- Art
- Business Studies
- Computing
- Dance
- Drama
- Electronics
- Food
- French
- Geography
- Graphics
- Health and Social Care
- Music
- PE
- Resistant Materials
- Spanish
- Textiles
The vast majority of students are expected to study French or Spanish (or both) and the options system gives a high profile to design and technology which has been a particularly successful part of the school. This subject offers a combination of rigour and creativity that has helped many students in the next phase of their education, as well as developing a set of very useful skills.
In addition to their option subjects, students have three PE lessons a fortnight, and the Key Stage 4 PSHCE programme is delivered through PSHCE lessons, specialist speakers and dedicated days when students come off their normal timetable.
Key Stage 5
Our sixth form offers a wide range of successful A level courses across English, mathematics, science, humanities, social sciences, languages, performing arts, art, design and technology, and PE.
In recent years we have also introduced a number of vocational level 3 qualifications. These offer an alternative to the traditional A level and have a greater focus on coursework produced throughout the course.
This means that students can pursue their interests and specialisms whether that takes them down an academic, practical, artistic or vocational pathway.
The full details of the courses we offer can be found here
Those students who enter the sixth form without at least a grade 4 in English or mathematics will have dedicated lessons in these subjects to bring them up to this standard.
To support the academic curriculum there is other time given to allowing the students to develop useful skills and realise their full potential. This includes guided learning sessions in the first term and the futures programme that works across the two years. This helps the students to look beyond the sixth form and supports them as they apply to university or apprenticeships, or look to enter the world of work.
We also have dedicated support for students that are applying for university courses that have an early deadline such as medicine, veterinary and Oxbridge.
Beyond the curriculum
There is an outstanding range of extra-curricular opportunities on offer to our students.
This includes clubs linked to academic subjects, teams that can be joined for various sports, and a myriad of opportunities in the performing arts. We also have a well established CCF, a sixth form student union, and a strong student voice.
At the Thomas Hardye School students are given the chance to experience a curriculum that has been based on a tradition of success, whilst responding to the demands of a rapidly changing world. Our students are able to find where they can truly excel, and are given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills as they look to the future.