Enrolment and Start of Term
We are really excited about welcoming our new Year 12 students to the Sixth Form in September. This page contains useful information about your start as well as links to the Summer Tasks which all students need to complete.
Please note that the sixth form office will be closed between 20th July – 1st September, except for when staff will be in school on A Level and GCSE results day (15th and 22nd August) between 9am and 1pm.
All students will be sent a letter in July about plans for enrolment and the start of term along with their enrolment form. Please note that everyone’s place is subject to the set entry requirements and your place in the sixth form will not be confirmed until your enrolment. Enrolment takes place on Monday 2nd September and your enrolment form has a specific time to come in. If you are considering changing your options, then please check the entry requirements and the option pools. Any changes that are agreed will be made provisionally until we can confirm that there is a place available on that specific course.
“Express Enrolment” You will only be able to use this and enrol if you are not making any changes (other than discarding a fourth option if you had one initially) to the course selection on your enrolment form and you are confident that you do have the required entry requirements specified. If you are making changes to your options, or you are not sure about grades, please come back at the specified time on your enrolment form on 2nd September.
If you have any questions about your enrolment, then please see our FAQs document.
Summer Tasks
All students are reminded that they need to complete Summer Tasks for the subjects that they enrol on. We recommend that students plan to do this work towards the end of the summer. If students are changing their options at enrolment, then there still will be time to complete Summer Tasks before the deadline of 16th September.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help students facing financial hardship to continue in full time education after Year 11. See here for more information.
Joining the Sixth Form in September 2025?
If students are moving into year 11 in September then it is time for them to start thinking about their own options for the following year. Our Open Evening will take place on Thursday 25th October. More information will be posted once the new term starts, including the new prospectus and how to register for the open evening.