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Our Wessex family of schools

Year 9 options information

Welcome to the options process

If you have any subject specific questions please don't hesitate to contact the subject leaders listed in the options booklet or for more general questions please contact your child's tutor.

The online consultation evenings in early March are an ideal time to discuss option choices with your child's teachers. Details on this event and how to book appointments will be available nearer the time.

How is the curriculum organised?

Core subjects that teach the skills needed for a changing world.

An average of 10 GCSEs.

A pathway to suit every student

A wide range of high achieving courses

Building on previous experience and results

Year 9

All students study Maths, English, Science, Modern Foreign Language(s), Geography, History, Design and Technology, Art, Theology and Ethics, Music, Dance, Drama and ICT/Computing.

Students in year 9 also have lessons in Games/PE and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education).

Year 10 and 11

All students study Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science, Design and Technology, and Theology and Ethics

All students are able to take a Modern Foreign Language, and the vast majority do so. Students are also able to study a second language.

Option subjects are Geography, History, Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Business Studies, Health and Social Care, ICT/Computing and GCSE PE.

Some students also have the option to take GCSE Media Studies or follow a Pathways course that builds a wide range of skills and leads to an ASDAN qualification.

Students in years 10 and 11 continue to have lessons in Games/PE and PSHCE.

Important documents

Key Stage 4 Options Booklet

Prospectus & Policy Document

subject presentations

Business GCSE

Design & Technology GCSE

GCSE History - Option Booklet

Health & Social Care

GCSE Geography at THS

More information about the courses on offer can be found in the school prospectus, by contacting the school and asking to be connected to the required subject area, or by contacting Jon Dean (Assistant Headteacher)